Relation Between
World and Mary
The filled aggregation symbol
(diamond) is a standard UML symbol, and means that the World owns or
contains (controls the lifetime of) the Mary class. This relation is
also sometimes called a "has-a" relationship. The filled circle
indicates that the Mary object is private in scope.
Mary and Lamb
The Mary object owns the Lamb object,
and the Lamb object is public. In other words, Mary has a Lamb.
Mary and Mammal
The inheritance symbol (triangle) is
a standard UML symbol, and means that the Mary object inherits from
the Mammal object. The Mammal object is a superclass of Mary,
and has public inheritance, as shown by the visibility symbol
(nested circles).
Lamb and Mammal
The function parameter symbol (big
circle with little circle) means that a function parameter refers to
the Mammal object, and the V symbol means that this is a const