oovGui |
This is the top level class for the oovcde component. |
Context |
The context determines which lists are displayed to edit a
drawing. It inherits from the JournalListener so that the journal
can cause the GUI to update the class and operation list when a
class or operation has been selected from any diagram. |
OovProject |
This keeps all project related data. Oovcde only works on a single
project at a time. The project keeps the data model for the class
relations. |
Journal |
This keeps a collection of journal records. Each record is a
diagram that has been edited. |
Allows the journal to indicate that a class or operation should be
ProjectStatus |
This keeps track of whether the background process is busy.
The menu updates based on this status. |
WindowBuildListener |
The background processing sends standard output to this class,
which displayes the progress results in an output window. |
WindowProjectStatusListener |
This provides a dialog to show task busy progress. |
...List |
There are lists for classes, operations, zone diagrams, etc. |